After reading and studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions.


1.         What is the general orientation of the information-processing model to cognition? What are the specific components of the model?


2.         How do researchers assess infant memory? What information can infants typically          remember? What are the limitations of infants’ memory?


3.         What are four major hypotheses about why memory improves with age? Which of these hypotheses is (are) supported by research?


4.         When do autobiographical memories begin and what possible explanations can account for childhood amnesia?


5.         How do scripts influence memory?


6.         How do problem-solving capacities change during childhood?


7.         What developments occur in the information processing abilities of adolescents?


8.         In what ways do memory and cognition change during adulthood? What are the strengths and weaknesses of older adults’ abilities? What factors help explain the declines in abilities during older adulthood?


9.         How are problem-solving skills influenced by aging?