After reading and studying the material in this chapter, you should be able to answer the following questions.


1.         What is the psychometric approach to intelligence and how have different psychometric theorists defined intelligence?


2.         What are the traditional measures of intelligence and what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches? What are some alternatives to these traditional measures of intelligence?


3.         How is infant intelligence measured? To what extent is infant intelligence related to later intelligence?


4.         Are IQ scores stable during childhood? What factors contribute to gains and losses in IQ scores?


5.         How well do IQ scores predict school achievement? To what extent is IQ related to occupational success?


6.         How do IQ and mental abilities change with age? What factors predict declines in intellectual abilities in older adults?


7.         To what extent does wisdom exist in older adults?


8.         What evidence shows genetic influence on IQ scores? What other factors influence IQ scores?


9.         How are mental retardation and giftedness defined? What are the outcomes for individuals who are mental retarded or gifted?


10.       What is creativity? How does it change across the life span?