Unit 4: Work and Education


Mills College Incident



1. Differences in the Way Boys and Girls are treated at school 


2. College students/chilly climate based upon gender stereotypes


3. Women who participate in such classes may act or react as though:





1.  How do you think the classroom climate for women has changed in the last ten years?  Has it improved?


2.  Has women’s studies played a role in changing the climate?


Education and its relationship to work place equity


Mills revisited



Sex Discrimination (Employment and Education)


Discrimination in Hiring Patterns


Access Discrimination refers to discrimination used in hiring-for example, rejecting well-qualified women applicants, or offering them less attractive positions.


Salary Discrimination


Two aspects of the salary gap

          a. Comparable Worth


          b.  Women’s reactions to receiving lower pay


Facilitators of women’s career development


I.  Maternal Employment (mother acts as a role model for socialization)


          1.  Powerful facilitator of women’s career development


2.  When children are in high-quality childcare, there is no impact on their emotional adjustment or their relationship with their mothers


3.  Child’s choice in role decisions is based upon Mother’s messages to them (exert less pressure have more career oriented daughters)


          4.  Maternal employment benefits the mother as well



II.  Supportive fathers (as a facilitator of career development)



III.  Mentors

A.  Researchers suggest that a woman mentor is more important and helpful than a male mentor.



B. Women faculty may have less time for mentoring because of career barriers.


Gatekeepers of Women’s Careers


1.  Attributions made by Male Mentors for females differ than for males. 

          A.  Women needed help, remedial assistance

          B.  Males need careers needed to be developed

C.  Male mentors tend to mention familial obligations