Quiz 3

1. Binet used the term mental age to refer to:

a. The average chronological age of children who completed a particular grade in school.

b. The years of formal education successfully completed by a child

c. The total number of items correctly answered on an intelligence test divided by the respondent's chronological age.

d. The chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of intelligence-test performance.

2. Intelligence tests have traditionally been designed to measure:

a. Social aptitude.

b. Moral achievement.

c. Cognitive aptitude.

d. Economic achievement.

3. Tests designed to assess what a person has learned are called ______tests.

a. ability

b. aptitude

c. standardized

d. achievement

e. intelligence

4. The widespread increase in intelligence test performance during this century is called:

a. bell curve

b. reification

c. the g factor

d. standardization

e. The Flynn effect

5. A test has a high degree of validity if it:

a. measures or predicts what it is supposed to measure or predict.

b. yields consistent results every time it is used.

c. Produces a normal distribution of scores.

d. Has been standardized on a representative sample of all those who are likely to take the test.

6. A condition involving mental retardation caused by an extra chromosome in one's genetic makeup is known as:

a. The Flynn effect

b. Emotional intelligence

c. Down Syndrome

d. Savant syndrome

7. On which of the following tasks are females more likely to perform as well or better than males?

a. playing checkers

b. interpreting poetry

c. playing videos

d. copying geometric designs

8. Intelligence tests are most likely to be considered culturally biased in terms of their:

a. content validity

b. predictive validity

c. normal distribution

d. reliability

9. Psychologists would be likely to agree that:

a. intelligence tests have greater predictive validity for males than for females

b. intelligence tests have comparable predictive validity for Whites and Blacks

c. intelligence tests have less predictive validity for high school students than for college students

d. all of the above are true

10. The normal curve represents the distribution of U. S. intelligence test scores among:

a. Asians

b. Whites

c. Hispanics

d. Blacks

e. all of the above.