General Psychology I Instructor: Lorre McCabe Email: Office Hours: After class or by appointment
Chapter 7: Memory A museum website associated with memory. Ebbinghaus's classic psychology book on memory A list of links for repressed memory issues Ecstacy and Long Term Memory Loss: An Article Marijuana and Memory: Good Article! Eye Witness Memory Eyewitness memory notes for another class Dr. Gary Well's website devoted to eyewitness testimony. [Iowa State University] Eyewitness Training Manual for Law Enforcement: Federal Government Publication Article:Some thoughts about generalizing the role that confidence plays in the accuracy of eyewitness memory Eyewitness identification labrotory: Again for those ACJ students out there. Extra Credit Attend one of the Exploratorium's webcasts regarding memory, and write up a two page summary of the event. You can search the archives and read past webcasts.